To read a hint, click on the hints links. If you still don’t have it, feel free to read the “how to solve it” or the “solution” sections.

PUZZLE:  Page with photos on one side and a grid with some letters in the center on the other

Hint 1

The letters you see are only a part. Use all of the letters to finish the chart.

Hint 2

Gandhi used truth force in a kind of campaign. The key to solve this is that protest’s name.

Hint 3

Write the key word alongside what’s encrypted, some letters repeat to make sure it’s fitted

Hint 4

Put the alphabet along the bottom row left to right and along the left column bottom to top

Hint 5

The keyword is X and the encryption is Y. Finding them on the chart is what you should try.

Hint 5

Find the sweet spot where the letters align. You’ll have your message decoded in a very short time.


Step 1

The phrase “truth force” and the labelled photos are clues to the missing keyword.

Step 1 Solution

The term “truth force” is a translation of the Hindi word “Satyagraha” which Gandhi created for his resistance movement and is referred to in the introduction letter. The four phrases in the photos, ‘Body-labor, Nonviolence, Control the palette, and Fearlessness’ are four of the elements of Satyagraha. Satyagraha is the keyword that should be written and repeated alongside the encryption, KZBWLODLGMLVB. (if a keyword is not long enough to encrypt the message, repeat writing the keyword until it matches the length of the message). You get “SATYAGRAHASAT”

Step 2

Complete the grid of letters so that the ones shown are at the center of a grid 26×26. Each row shifts one letter over. Add A-Z written bottom up along the Y axis and A-Z is written left to right along the X axis.

kzbwlo solution step 2

Step 3

Use the letters of the keyword alongside the letters of the encryption (KZBWLODLGMLVB) as grid coordinates to find the letters of the message.

Step 3 Solution

Find each letter of the keyword, SATYAGRAHASAT on the horizontal X axis and its corresponding letter of the encryption, KZBWLODLGMLVB on the vertical Y axis to identify each letter of the message. The message, “harbor no anger”, is the password to There you will get a narrative about the Satyagraha principle of ‘harbor no anger’.  kzbwlo step 3 solution


PUZZLE:  Goats and Tigers

Hint 1

You will need a password to hear the rest of this tale. Find the right letters and get in without fail.

Hint 2

The game’s a bonus and quite fun to play. Don’t stop in your efforts til goats carry the day.

How to solve it

The letters on the back of the Goats are a scrambled phrase. Go to the website written on the ‘Goat and Tiger’ grid. Play the game “Meka puli aata”.


The unscrambled phrase on the back of the Goats is “password is submit”. The password, “submit” will access the website That webpage will have two buttons, “Tigers Win!” and “Goats Win!” The Tigers button will give you some interesting information about ancient board games of India, but says “Play meka puli aata again.” The Goats button leads to a narrative about the Satyagraha principle of ‘submit to arrest’.


PUZZLE: Triangle of symbols

Hint 1

The letters are stacked in a common shape. It should quite clear, with no need to gape.

Hint 2

The overall shape is a triangle, it’s true, but the TYPE of triangle is important to you.

Hint 3

Now you know the type of triangle you need, matching symbols are what you must heed.

Hint 4

Count the triangles and when you are through, you will have a number quite important to you.

How to solve it

The symbols themselves are from a script known from the Indus valley civilizations between 3500 and 1900 years BCE. In this puzzle their meaning is unimportant, which is a good thing because to date no one has de-ciphered this ancient written language. The formula written in the corner of the triangles is a clue to their type. Note that some of the symbols are used multiple times. Their locations relative to each other is what’s important. The website, is password protected.


You must find all the symbols that occur in groups of three which are arranged equidistant from each other as the points of an equilateral triangle. Use a pencil to connect each trio in an equilateral triangle. The password to access is the number of equilateral triangles that you find. There are 8. 8 is your password. You will get a narrative about the Satyagraha principle ‘obey prison regulations’. triangles puzzle solution


PUZZLE: pecjvmx

Hint 1

The boxes for A, S, and for Z show how to create the rest of the key.

Hint 2

The key is almost like Polybius square, except it’s a cube. See what I did there.

Hint 3

Each letter has numbers that match it, you see. Look at step 1, each one will have three.

Hint 4

This next step is tricky so we’ll give you a clue. Write the results in three rows like you see in step 2.

Hint 5

To finish the puzzle, let step 3 be your guide. Read numbers in columns to see the letters they hide.


The Key

The cube shape is a hint about the key being 3 dimensional, that is using sets of 3 coordinates. The four small boxes tell you to make a key that has 3 parts in which A is in the first part in position 1,1. S and Z are both in the third part; S in position 1,1 and Z in position 2,3. Figure out what might be in the empty box and you’ll understand how to build the key that deciphers this message.

pecjvmx key solution

Step 1

Using the key, find the three-number coordinates for each letter in the encryption (e.g. p = 213). Write those sets of three numbers out in a line.

pecjvmx step 1 solution

Step 2

Re-write the string of numbers into three lines. Note the original encryption has 14 letters and each line of letters in Step 2 is 14 characters long. This means, as you write the string of numbers from Step 1, after you get to the 14th number, continue the string on the next line. After you get to the 28th number, continue on the third line.

pecjvmx step 2 solution

Step 3

Read the three lines now as 14 columns of three numbers each. Using each set of three as coordinates in the key, find the letters of the deciphered message.

pecjvmx step 3 solution

PUZZLE: Bags of soybeans

Hint 1

When moving the bags, know this is true: 5 is the precise number of moves you will do.

Hint 2

These bags represent five numbers, you see. The digits they have are one, two, or three.

Hint 3

Swap some of the bags so when you are through, three bags in the middle equals one bag times two.

Hint 4

Some of these numbers matter more than the rest. The three in the middle will serve your needs best.

How to solve it

Look at the arrangement of the bags in sets of 1, 2, and 3. Analyze the mathematical relationship between the sets. The answer lies in this initial relationship. You must then move 5 of the bags for some reason.


The solution is to rearrange the bags so that the middle three-digit number is equal to the product of the two numbers on the left AND of the right.  soybean bags puzzle solution



Hint 1

This puzzle’s a mess of words and letters. Some folding will help you to read it better.

Hint 2

Match letter to letter to form a word that is bold. A message appears when you get every fold.

How to solve it

Find the letters that form a word that you find in bold elsewhere in the box. When you complete the four folds needed, a message will emerge. This message is the password to the website that is on the face of the puzzle.


In the introduction letter you will find the word “walk” in bold. You must fold the paper four times, matching the letters in the word “walk. First fold the paper so the W matches the W. Then fold it so the A matches with the A (don’t fold both halves over when you match the A to the A, though!). Fold the L and K to match up and you will have the phrase “defend your opponent”. That is your password. puzzle solution




Go to The page is password protected.

Hint 1

The password you need is 6 numbers long. Look at each of the puzzles and you can’t go wrong.


There is a number embedded into each of the six puzzles. Combined, in numerical order, the password is 1357911.