Click on one or more HINTS for each puzzle. Click on HOW TO SOLVE IT for a direct explanation of the puzzle. Click on ANSWER to get the result of the puzzle solution.
PUZZLE: Find Your Way Out of Gaol
Rolling the dice will help you get free, find the right sequence and you’ll know where to be
Rolling the dice will help you get free, find the right sequence and you’ll know where to be
The clue that you need is hidden nearby, look through all your papers and see what you spy
The clue that you need is hidden nearby, look through all your papers and see what you spy
This board game was actually published in an edition of “The Suffragette” weekly newspaper. It was meant to draw attention to the imprisonment and suffering of women in the movement. In this version, many spaces are marked with letters or numbers. The proper order of some of these spells out a message, one of the locations needed to deliver the propaganda of the WSPU. To solve the message, find the series of dice on another of the puzzles. You must remember to also follow the rules of the game as you move around the board. Move your Suffragette out of Holloway Prison in the order of these dice “rolls”.
This board game was actually published in an edition of “The Suffragette” weekly newspaper. It was meant to draw attention to the imprisonment and suffering of women in the movement. In this version, many spaces are marked with letters or numbers. The proper order of some of these spells out a message, one of the locations needed to deliver the propaganda of the WSPU. To solve the message, find the series of dice on another of the puzzles. You must remember to also follow the rules of the game as you move around the board. Move your Suffragette out of Holloway Prison in the order of these dice “rolls”.
The message spelled out is: THEWOMENSPRESS307CHARINGCROSSRD (or: The Women’s Press, 307 Charing Cross Rd) The final roll of the “dice” gets you off the board and you “win”
The message spelled out is: THEWOMENSPRESS307CHARINGCROSSRD (or: The Women’s Press, 307 Charing Cross Rd) The final roll of the “dice” gets you off the board and you “win”
PUZZLE: Crossword puzzle
Hint 1
Some of your answers come from moments in history, read them with care to solve the mystery
Hint 1
Some of your answers come from moments in history, read them with care to solve the mystery
Hint 2
More answers will come from cards that you trade, read close to ensure their exploits don’t fade.
Hint 2
More answers will come from cards that you trade, read close to ensure their exploits don’t fade.
Hint 3
The very last answer may be hard to discern, but other puzzles help you learn.
Hint 3
The very last answer may be hard to discern, but other puzzles help you learn.
How to solve it
This is a classic crossword puzzle. Most of the answers to the clues can be found in the several “Moments in Suffragette History” articles or the Suffragette Trading Cards. The clue for #10 down, however, is missing. The clue to it is found on the purple rules card for the Find Your Way Out of Gaol game. There is a #10 listed there that points you to an additional hint on the poster.
How to solve it
This is a classic crossword puzzle. Most of the answers to the clues can be found in the several “Moments in Suffragette History” articles or the Suffragette Trading Cards. The clue for #10 down, however, is missing. The clue to it is found on the purple rules card for the Find Your Way Out of Gaol game. There is a #10 listed there that points you to an additional hint on the poster.
To get the missing answer, look on the “Votes for Women” poster, the figure is saying “Bomb the Coronation Chair”. That answer is one of the locations to which you must deliver propaganda WSPU newspapers: WESTMINSTER ABBEY
To get the missing answer, look on the “Votes for Women” poster, the figure is saying “Bomb the Coronation Chair”. That answer is one of the locations to which you must deliver propaganda WSPU newspapers: WESTMINSTER ABBEY
PUZZLE: Votes for Women poster
Hint 1
A clue that’s found elsewhere is totally key to learn what the puzzle type may be
Hint 1
A clue that’s found elsewhere is totally key to learn what the puzzle type may be
Hint 2
If you haven’t heard of a Polybius Square, research will give you answers to spare
Hint 2
If you haven’t heard of a Polybius Square, research will give you answers to spare
Hint 3
If you know the puzzle but things still seem strange, look to the way the letters arrange
Hint 3
If you know the puzzle but things still seem strange, look to the way the letters arrange
How to solve it
The string of letters on the poster are deciphered by a Polybius Square, but it is more complicated. You must find a clue to the cipher on another puzzle: How to solve it explanation
How to solve it
The string of letters on the poster are deciphered by a Polybius Square, but it is more complicated. You must find a clue to the cipher on another puzzle: How to solve it explanation
Hint 1
Pay close attention to the image that’s here, it will tell you the type of puzzle, no fear!
Hint 1
Pay close attention to the image that’s here, it will tell you the type of puzzle, no fear!
Hint 2
The number of rails is important to find, count them up and keep that in mind
Hint 2
The number of rails is important to find, count them up and keep that in mind
Hint 3
If the clues don’t provide a solution that’s clear, use a fence rail cipher and the answer is near
Hint 3
If the clues don’t provide a solution that’s clear, use a fence rail cipher and the answer is near
How to solve it
This is a fence rail cipher. The text is arranged from the topmost left down and back up according to how many “rails” are in the “fence”. The text is written across the rails In this image from a London train station, there are four rails. Additionally, you will see on the back that the letter W has a P I R over the top of it, with a line that points to the “s” in a word below. This is a hint that the letters form a W pattern. The original puzzle is encrypted along the four rails, but that doesn’t help you unless you know that you start 3 across, like the W. Consequently the first three letters that you see in the puzzle go across the top bar. You then fill out the next “rail” with the next five letters in your sequence. You continue to put the letters one over and one down until you reach the fourth rail and then you begin back up. When you have the W shape completed over the four rails, you will rewrite the letters as they now read in the W shape
How to solve it
This is a fence rail cipher. The text is arranged from the topmost left down and back up according to how many “rails” are in the “fence”. The text is written across the rails In this image from a London train station, there are four rails. Additionally, you will see on the back that the letter W has a P I R over the top of it, with a line that points to the “s” in a word below. This is a hint that the letters form a W pattern. The original puzzle is encrypted along the four rails, but that doesn’t help you unless you know that you start 3 across, like the W. Consequently the first three letters that you see in the puzzle go across the top bar. You then fill out the next “rail” with the next five letters in your sequence. You continue to put the letters one over and one down until you reach the fourth rail and then you begin back up. When you have the W shape completed over the four rails, you will rewrite the letters as they now read in the W shape
PUZZLE: The March of the Women
Hint 1
The music is off and there is no real tune, but the notes will give you a clue that’s a boon
Hint 1
The music is off and there is no real tune, but the notes will give you a clue that’s a boon
Hint 2
Try to look closely at each sharp and flat, then figure out what can be traded for that
Hint 2
Try to look closely at each sharp and flat, then figure out what can be traded for that
Hint 3
To call the puzzle topsy turvy is fair – start from the bottom and go up from there
Hint 3
To call the puzzle topsy turvy is fair – start from the bottom and go up from there
Hint 4
If you’re still lost and are flailing about, find which note means “A” to find your way out
Hint 4
If you’re still lost and are flailing about, find which note means “A” to find your way out
How to solve it
The song, The March of the Women was an anthem for the Suffragettes. The notes in this arrangement do not actually form music. Indeed, the notes represent letters of the alphabet. The key to this cipher is the last two lines of “music” One line begins on the lowest line of the musical staff, letter A and proceeds through the alphabet to the letter Z. It proceeds with change in pitch notation to letter B, C and so on. The quarter rests are spacers in-between words. The last line shows you the same key, but going from Z to A. Once you have the key, translate the “notes” on the first two lines into the corresponding letters.
How to solve it
The song, The March of the Women was an anthem for the Suffragettes. The notes in this arrangement do not actually form music. Indeed, the notes represent letters of the alphabet. The key to this cipher is the last two lines of “music” One line begins on the lowest line of the musical staff, letter A and proceeds through the alphabet to the letter Z. It proceeds with change in pitch notation to letter B, C and so on. The quarter rests are spacers in-between words. The last line shows you the same key, but going from Z to A. Once you have the key, translate the “notes” on the first two lines into the corresponding letters.
Spelled out, the message is: “deliver twenty papers to Mary Richardson at the House of Commons”
Spelled out, the message is: “deliver twenty papers to Mary Richardson at the House of Commons”
PUZZLE: _ _ _
Hint 1
You have solved each confounding clue, now the first three letters will say what to do.
Hint 1
You have solved each confounding clue, now the first three letters will say what to do.
Hint 2
Put the letters together in the right way and head to the website without a delay.
Hint 2
Put the letters together in the right way and head to the website without a delay.
How to solve it
Imbedded are several incomplete website addresses. The first three letters of each location determined by the other puzzles are each a link to a Suffragette newspaper. Combine them in the right order to reveal the conclusion of the mission.
How to solve it
Imbedded are several incomplete website addresses. The first three letters of each location determined by the other puzzles are each a link to a Suffragette newspaper. Combine them in the right order to reveal the conclusion of the mission.
They are: HOUse of commons NUMber ten downing st PICcadilly circus THE womans press WEStminster abbey The combination HOUNUMPICTHEWES page shows you an iconic suffragette poster and an epilogue of the movement.
They are: HOUse of commons NUMber ten downing st PICcadilly circus THE womans press WEStminster abbey The combination HOUNUMPICTHEWES page shows you an iconic suffragette poster and an epilogue of the movement.